You grew more handsome with each passing year. Your coat turning a lighter grey with each passing year. I can see you now sitting quietly on top of your ferret cage on your favorite green blanket with the sun shining through the windows. It looked as if tiny diamonds had been sprinkled in your fur. You were 5 years old when you suddenly stopped eating on your own. Your dad and I never figured out why. For the next 17 months we lovingly fed you three times a day and watched you happily eat your soup while sitting in our laps. You became my Little Man, always letting mommie wipe your chin when you had finished eating. The bond that was formed over those months was/is unbreakable.
Now, 17 months later, there is a sadness in your beautiful eyes. I know your body is here but I know your heart is now with your brothers and sister. You no longer play. I watch through my own sad eyes and realize that the time is coming when we must say goodbye for now.
September 23, 2002; it's time to say our last farewell. Your favorite blankie and toy are tucked into my purse. I know you will share with Trouble, Bandit and Delilah when you get there.
Quietly we watch you leave us. Through tears we say goodbye. You were such a joy, our sweet Poppie Mitts. You will be missed more than words can ever say.
Your Dad and I loved you soo very much. Just remember, we will be with you again one day!